Human Capital Assessment
We recognise that depending on the needs of the business, the role the Human Resource in the organisation changes and develops. The most basic needs of a business starting out is to hire the “right” team members and pay its employees on time and comply to regulations.
As organisations mature and reach a steady state of operations, it then has to deal with issues of retaining the “good ones” to ensure least disruptions to its operations. When organisations begin to think longer term and sustainability of their operations, they then need to address needs such as relevance of their organisational and people capabilities to be ready for the future. However, these organisations still need to grapple with the everyday issues of motivating their people to achieve their highest performance, developing and retaining them.
Where is you organisation today with respect to the business challenges faced? Are your human capital practices meeting the aspirations of your employees? Do your current HR policies and practices motivate or discourage staff to produce their best work?
Do a quick self-assessment of your human capital practices and book an appointment with us to review your results in the context of your current business imperatives.